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Electrical Design of Overhead Power Transmission Lines

Insulators for Icing and Polluted Environments

Insulators for Icing and Polluted Environments

Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks

Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks


2012 M. Farzaneh, S. Farokhi & W.A. Chisholm, Electrical Design of Power Transmission Lines, McGraw-Hill, New York, 560 p., October 2012
2009 M. Farzaneh & W.A. Chisholm, Insulators for icing and polluted environments, IEEE Press series on Power Engineering, IEEE/John Wiley, New York, 680 p. October 2009
2008 M. Farzaneh, Ed., Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks, Springer, Berlin, August 2008, 320 p.

Book Chapters

2010 L. Kollar & M. Farzaneh, « Modeling and experimental study of variation of droplet cloud characteristics in a low-speed horizontal icing wind tunnels». In Aerodynamics, models and experiments ». Nova science publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY, 2010.
2009 M. Farzaneh & W.A. Chisholm, « Mitigation options for improved performance in ice and snow conditions ». Chapter 9, Insulators for icing and polluted environments, IEEE Press series on Power Engineering, IEEE/John Wiley, New York, October 2009
2009 I. Fofana, Y. Zié & M. Farzaneh, « Dielectric response methods for diagnostics of power equipment ». In Dielectric material Research Progress, éditeur: F. Columbus, Nova Science Publishers Inc., ISBN: 978-1-60692-266-8, September 2009
2008 M. Farzaneh & W.A. Chisholm, «Effects of Ice and Snow on the Electrical Performance of Power Network Insulators ». Chapter 7, Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks, Springer, Berlin, August 2008, pp 269-235
2008 M. Farzaneh, C. Volat & A. Leblond, « Anti-icing and De-icing Techniques for Overhead Lines ». Chapter 6, Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks, Springer, Berlin, August 2008, pp. 229-268
2008 M. Farzaneh & K. Savadjiev, « Statistical Analysis of Icing Event Data for Transmission Line Design Purposes ». Chapter 2, Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks, Springer, Berlin, August 2008, pp. 31-81
2008 D.K. Sarkar & M. Farzaneh, « Superhydrophobic Aluminum Surfaces obtained by chemical etching ». Contact Angle and Wettability, vol. 5, Brill, Leiden, 2008, pp. 271-278
2008 A. Safaee, D.K. Sarkar & M. Farzaneh, « Superhydrophobic Properties of Silver Coated Copper ». Contact Angle and Wettability, vol. 5, Brill, Leiden, 2008, pp 287-293
2008 N. Saleema, D.K. Sakkar & M. Farzaneh, « Effect of Temperature on Superhydrophobic ZnO Nanotowers ». Contact Angle and Wettability, vol. 5, Brill, Leiden, 2008, pp. 279-285
2006 M. Farzaneh, « Ice and Snow Shedding ». EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book – Wind-induced Conductor Motion, Chapter 7.4, Electric Power Research Institute, November 2006, pp. 7.19-25
2006 M. Farzaneh, « Corona Vibration ». EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book – Wind-induced Conductor Motion, Chapter 7.9, Electric Power Research Institute, November 2006, pp. 7.45-49
1991 M. Farzaneh, «On the Mechanism of Corona Induced Vibration of H.V. Conductors ». Trends in Power Delivery Book, Council of Scientific Research Integration, India, January 1991, pp. 85-92
1991 M. Farzaneh, « DC and AC Performance of Iced Insulators ». Trends in Power Delivery Book, Council of Scientific Research Integration, India, January 1991, pp. 93-99
1988 A. Gakwaya & M. Farzaneh, « Boundary Elements X¨. Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow and Electrical Applications ». Editor: C.A. Brebbia; Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, 1988, vol. 2, pp. 429-440
1987 N. Sugawara, M. Farzaneh & J.-L. Laforte, «Probabilistic Methods Applied to Electric Power Systems ». Editor: Samy Krishnasamy, Pergamon Press, 1987, pp. 615-623