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Publications Conference Papers Scientific Reports

Electrical Design of Overhead Power Transmission Lines

Insulators for Icing and Polluted Environments

Insulators for Icing and Polluted Environments

Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks

Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks


1997 “Deicing Device for Cable”. with J.-L. Laforte & M.A. Dallaire, Brevet aux États-Unis, No. 08/215.70 4, délivré le 2 mai 1995 avec une extension des droits au plan international, 1997


2011 M. Farzaneh & C. Ryerson, Guest Editors, « Special Issue on Anti-Icing and De-Icing Techniques » Cold Regions Science and Technology, vol. 65, no. 1, January 2011, pp. 1-110
2007 M. Farzaneh & W.A. Chisholm, Guest Editors, “Special Issue on Ice-Covered Insulators”. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. 14, no. 6, December 2007, pp. 1333-1607
2005 M. Farzaneh & A.P. Goel, Editors, “Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures”. IWAIS 2005, June 2005, 414 p
1998 M. Farzaneh, Guest Editor, « Atmospheric Research, Special Issue: Atmospheric Icing of Structures », Elsevier, Amsterdam, vol. 46, avril 1998, 193 p
1997 M. Farzaneh, Editor, “Album Report of the 7th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures”. IWAIS 1997, December 1997, 43 p
1996 M. Farzaneh & J. Laflamme, Editors, “Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures”. IWAIS 1996, Chicoutimi, Canada, June 1996, 475 p

Standards Guides, as technical committee chairman or member

2021 M. Farzaneh (Chair), “Coatings for improvement of electrical performance of outdoor insulators under pollution conditions”. CIGRE WG B2.69, CIGRE Publications, Technical Brochure 837, June 2021, 130 p.
2021 M. Farzaneh (Chair), “Coatings for protecting overhead power networks against icing, corona noise, corrosion and reducing their visual impact”. CIGRE WG B2.69, CIGRE Publications, Technical Brochure 838, June 2021, 160 p.
2020 M. Farzaneh (Chair), “IEEE Standard 1820 – Guide for Test Methods and Procedures to Evaluate the Electrical Performance of Insulators in Freezing Conditions”, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York, NY 10016-5997, USA, December 2020, 67 p.
2016 S. Fikke, M. Farzaneh et al., « Meteorological data for assessing climatic loads on overhead lines». CIGRÉ WG B2.28, CIGRE Publications, Technical Brochure 645, January 2016, 40 p.
2015 M. Farzaneh (Chair), « Coatings for Protecting Overhead Power Network Equipment in Winter Conditions». CIGRÉ WG B2.44, CIGRE Publications, Technical Brochure 631, September 2015, 114 p.
2011 R. Sundarajan, M. Farzaneh et al., « IEEE Standard 1651 – Guide for Reducing Bird-Related Outages ». IEEE Press, New York, February 2011
2010 M. Farzaneh (Chair), « Systems for prediction and monitoring of ice shedding, anti-icing and de-icing for overhead lines ». CIGRÉ WG B2.29, CIGRE Publications,Technical Brochure #438, December 2010, 100 p.
2009 M. Farzaneh (Chair), “IEEE Standard 1783 – Guide for Test Methods and Procedures to Evaluate the Electrical Performance of Insulators in Freezing Conditions”. IEEE Press, New York, October 2009
2007 J.L. Lilien, M. Farzaneh et al, “State of the Art of Conductor Galloping”. CIGRE TF B2.11.06, CIGRÉ Technical Brochure no. 322, June 2007, 140 p
2006 A. Leblond, M. Farzaneh et a.l, “Guidelines for Meteorological Icing Models, Statistical Methods and Topographical Effects”. CIGRE TF B2.16, CIGRÉ Technical Brochure no. 291, April 2006, 116 p
2006 M. Farzaneh & W.A. Chisholm, “Guide to Define Design Criteria for Outdoor Station Insulators Taking Into Account Pollution and Icing”. Rapport présenté à CEA Technologies, April 2006, contrat no. T043700-3326
2004 CIGRE Working Group B2.16, “Report on Current Pratices Regarding Frequencies and Magnitude of High Intensity Winds”. CIGRE Technical Brochure no. 256, October 2004, 46 p
2001 S.M. Fikke (Convener), M. Farzaneh et al, “Guidelines for Field Measurements of Ice Loadings on Overhead Power Line Conductors”. CIGRE TF 22.06.01, CIGRE Technical Brochure no. 179, February 2001, 27 p
1998 M. Farzaneh et al., “Tempête de verglas de janvier 1998”. Comité d’experts d’Hydro-Québec (Comité Warren), Rapport pour Hydro-Québec sur le verglas de janvier 1998, July 1998