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Electrical Design of Overhead Power Transmission Lines

Insulators for Icing and Polluted Environments

Insulators for Icing and Polluted Environments

Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks

Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks

Guest Lectures (54)

2019 M. Farzaneh, « Overview of Impact and Mitigation of Icing on Power Network Equipment, Part II: Conductor icing- Insulator icing flashover». INMR World Congress, Tucson, Arizona, USA, October 2019
2019 M. Farzaneh, « Overview of Impact and Mitigation of Icing on Power Network Equipment». INMR World Congress, Tucson, Arizona, USA, October 2019
2017 M. Farzaneh, Tutorial, « Update on CIGRE Technical Activities Related to Coatings for Power Network Equipment ». INMR World Congress, Sitges, Spain, 8 November 2017
2017 M. Farzaneh, « Advanced Coatings for Power Networks ». Keynote presentation, IWAIS 2017, Chongqing, China, 25 September 2017
2016 M. Farzaneh, « Coatings for protecting overhead power network equipment in winter conditions (CIGRE TB 631) - Tutorial». CIGRE Session, Paris, August 2016
2016 M. Farzaneh, « Coatings for protecting overhead power network equipment in winter conditions (CIGRE TB 631) ». Overhead Line Engineering Forum, Chester, U.K., March, 2016
2015 M. Farzaneh, « Use of Coatings for safeguarding overhead power network equipment in winter conditions ». IEEE 2nd International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems (CATCON 2015), Keynote presentation, Bangalore, India, December 10, 2015
2015 M. Farzaneh, « Coatings for protecting overhead power network equipment in winter conditions ». Keynote presentation,16th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS 2015), Uppsala, Sweden, June 30, 2015
2015 M. Farzaneh, « Forty years of research on power engineering and impact of cold climate at UQAC ». Invited conference at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, January 12, 2015
2014 M. Farzaneh, « Protection of power network equipment in winter conditions using superhydrophobic/icephobic coatings ». Keynote presentation,The 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2013), Hong Kong, December 8, 2014
2014 M. Farzaneh, « Coatings for the protection of power network equipment in winter conditions ». Keynote presentation, International Conference on Material Sciences and Engineering Technology (MSET 2014), Shanghai, China, June 28, 2014
2014 M. Farzaneh, « Atmospheric icing of overhead power transmission network Equipment ». Keynote presentation, International Conference on Energy and Power Engineering (EPE2014), Hong Kong, China, April 27, 2014
2014 M. Farzaneh, « The organization of research on power network icing at UQAC ». Keynote presentation, The 2nd International Conference of the CENEN-NET, Prague, February 7, 2014
2014 M. Farzaneh, « Introduction to atmospheric icing of power networks ». Keynote presentation, The 2nd International Conference of the CENEN-NET, Prague, February 4, 2014
2013 M. Farzaneh, « Outdoor insulation flashover problems under icing conditions ». Keynote presentation, The 5th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2013), Hong Kong, December 8, 2013
2012 M. Farzaneh, « De l’Iran au Saguenay: briser la glace ». Fondation de l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (FUQAC), Chicoutimi, March 23, 2012
2011 M. Farzaneh, « Atmospheric icing of power networks: state of our knowledge, protection methods and future challenges ». National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, December 12, 2011
2011 M. Farzaneh, Tutorial, « Ice melting methods for overhead lines ». CIGRE Study Committee B2 Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, 5 July 2011
2010 M. Farzaneh, « Overview of Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks ». University of Manitoba, December 3, 2010.
2010 M. Farzaneh, « Atmospheric icing of power networks: State of our knowledge and future challenges ». 10th IERE General Meeting, Montreal, November 3, 2010.
2009 M. Farzaneh, « Process, mechanism and monitoring of ice and snow adhesion and growth; Modern forecasting and simulation methods to predict sudden ice shedding, to be taken into account in the design of overhead lines; Operative systems for the de-icing of overhead power network equipment; New materials and methods for ice prevention (anti-icing) on overhead line cables ». Conseil international des grands réseaux électriques (CIGRÉ), Comité d'études B2 - Lignes aériennes, Séoul, Corée du Sud, 22th October 2009
2009 M. Farzaneh, « Overview of atmospheric icing of power networks : state of our knowledge and future challenges ». Keynote presentation, 13th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures, IWAIS 2009, Andermatt, Suisse, September 2009.
2009 M. Farzaneh, « Étude et prévention des effets du givrage sur les réseaux électriques ». Conférence invitée, Centre de recherche et de développement de l’ALCAN, Chicoutimi, Canada, 19 mai 2009
2009 M. Farzaneh, « Future Application of Nanostructured Materials as Superhydrophobic and Icephobic Coatings on Conductors and Insulators ». Invited Conference, Research and Prospective Studies on High Voltage Networks, Réseaux Transport Énergie (RTE), Paris, France, April 7th 2009
2009 M. Farzaneh, « Outdoor Insulators: Overview of In-Service Experience, Inspection Practice and Future Challenges ». (Keynote Presentation). Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC) , Montréal, Canada, June 3 2009, pp. 542-550
2008 M. Farzaneh, " Comprendre et prévenir les effets du givrage atmosphérique ", Équipe d'entretien des poste haute tension de Hydro-Québec, Chicoutimi, Canada, 17 juin 2008
2008 D. Sarkar & M. Farzaneh, "Superhydrophobic and icephobic coating by plasma process ", Canadian Association of Physicists, Québec, Canada, 8 juin 2008
2008 M. Farzaneh, “De l’Iran au Saguenay: une passion pour le givre”. Chambre de commerce du Saguenay Lac St-Jean, 18 March 2008
2007 M. Farzaneh, “Securing electric power reliability in adverse winter conditions”. Conférence Défense et Sécurité, Québec, Canada, 15 November 2007
2007 M. Farzaneh, “Givrage atmosphérique et mission de la CIGELE”. Conférence invitée, Association de l’industrie électrique du Québec (AIEQ), Chicoutimi, Canada, 11 September 2007
2006 M. Farzaneh, “Insulator Flashover and Selection Criteria Under Icing Conditions”. Invited talk, IEEE PES General Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 19 June 2006
2004 M. Farzaneh, “De-Icing Techniques for Overhead Power Lines”. CIGRÉ WG16, Paris, France, 1 September, 2004
2004 M. Farzaneh, “Protection of overhead lines during icing events”. Zagreb University, Croatia, 4 April 2004
2004 M. Farzaneh, “Research on Atmospheric Icing of Power Network Equipment and Mitigation Methods”. Conférence invitée, CIGRE Task Force WG16, Madrid, Spain, March 2004
2004 M. Farzaneh, “How to select Outdoor Insulators for Cold Climate Regions”. IEEE Task Force on icing of insulators, San Diego, California, USA, 4 January 2004
2003 M. Farzaneh, “Centre international de recherche sur le givrage atmsophérique et l’ingénierie des réseaux électriques”. Fondation de l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, November 2003
2002 M. Farzaneh, “Outdoor Insulator Fundamentals”. Conférence invitée, IEEE Summer Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 10 July 2002
2001 M. Farzaneh, “Nouveaux développements dans le domaine de recherche sur le givrage atmosphérique des lignes aériennes”. Conférence invitée, École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs d’Annecy (ESIA), France, December 2001
2001 M. Farzaneh, “Nouvelle approche de modélisation physique du givrage des isolateurs et conducteurs à l’UQAC”. Conférence invitée, École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs d’Annecy (ESIA), France, December 2001
2000 M. Farzaneh, “Une infrastructure d’avant-garde pour la recherche sur le givrage atmosphérique”. Conférence invitée devant les membres de l’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec – Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, November 2000
2000 M. Farzaneh, “Modeling of Ice Accretion and Arc Development on Power Line Equipment”. Invited Conference, Sintef & Université des Sciences et de la Technologie, Trondheim, Norvège, September 2000
2000 M. Farzaneh, “World-class Research Infrastructure on Atmospheric Icing and High Voltage at UQAC”. Conférence invitée, STATNETT, Oslo, Norvège, 23 September 2000
2000 M. Farzaneh, “Canadian Research in the Field of Atmospheric Icing”. Invited Conference, STATNETT, Oslo, Norvège, 22 September 2000
2000 M. Farzaneh, “Étude du givrage atmosphérique à l’UQAC”. Conférence invitée devant les membres de l’Association des retraités de l’UQAC, Hôtel des Gouverneurs, Chicoutimi, February 2000
1999 M. Farzaneh, “Lessons of the 1998 Ice Storm in Eastern Canada and Research Attempts at CIGELE”. Conférence invitée, Varna, Bulgarie, 14 June 1999
1999 M. Farzaneh, “Saguenay – Lac St-Jean, une région incontournable dans la recherche sur le givrage atmosphérique”. Conférence invitée, Club Richelieu, Chicoutimi, 21 March 1999
1998 M. Farzaneh, “Research Activities of NSERC/Hydro-Québec/UQAC Industrial Chair on Atmospheric Icing of Power Network Equipment (CIGELE)”. Université de Colombie-Britannique, 11 August 1998
1998 M. Farzaneh, “Progrès récents dans le domaine de la recherche sur le givrage atmosphérique à l’UQAC”. Conférence invitée devant la Fondation de l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2 February 1998
1997 M. Farzaneh, “Improved Design of Power Networks in Hostile Climates”. Conférence invitée, Institute of electrical Energy Systems and High Voltage Technology, Université de Karlsruhe, Allemagne, 25 April 1997
1997 M. Farzaneh, “Gestion du transport et de la distribution de l’énergie électrique dans des conditions de givrage”. Conférencier invité, Laboratoire de Génie Électrique, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, 23 April 1997
1991 M. Farzaneh, “Effect of Rain and Ice on the Conductors and Insulators of the Overhead Transmission Lines”. Conférence invitée, Electrical Power Research Institute of China, Beijing, Chine, 12 May 1991
1991 M. Farzaneh, “Corona-induced Vibration, Ice-treeing Phenomena and Flashover of Ice-Covered Insulators”. Conférence invitée, Chongging University, Chongging, Chine, 10 May 1991
1991 M. Farzaneh, “Effects of Voltage Polarity on Ice Accumulation on H.V. Conductors and Flashover of Ice- and Snow-Covered Insulators”. Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, Chine, May 1991
1990 M. Farzaneh, “Role of the Corona Discharge on the Formation of Ice Treeing”. 28th Annual Cage Club Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 1990